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Detachment M

A Kaiser's Machines Story

Surviving the disaster of Gallipoli, Lieutenant Edward Goodspeed finds himself leading a ragtag unit of men across the desert. Their mission: uncover the truth about a new transportation system enabling the Ottoman Empire to move supplies and men more rapidly than ever into Mesopotamia. With the threat of yet another British Army defeat, failure is not an option...

Book cover of the novel Detachment M.

The Kaiser's Machines

Eisenwürmer (Book 3)

Ludendorff and Hindenburg look to the Crown Prince’s plan to sack Paris. Combining Major Bagger’s diversionary attack on Verdun, the symbol of French resistance, with a secret tunnel dug by the Eisnewürmer machine, the German High Command bets it all to bring the Allies to the negotiating table with the initiative firmly in their hands...


A Designer With No Name

Prequel to The Kaiser's Machines

Johann Kucinski, an aspiring Jewish artist that fled the pogroms in the east with his parents and little brother, lives in Munich. He hates his job and drinks more than he should in an attempt to fit in. But everything changes when Germany enters the war in Europe...


The Kaiser's Machines

Sturmspinnen (Book 2)

Amiens, vital to the Allies due to its converging railroads, is under siege by the German’s new machines. As German armored walkers storm across the Western front, the Allies try to hold on with everything they have to weather the surging tide. Will the Germans finally break the Allied armies with their new machines? 


Bruce Sandmeyer

Excellent Book
"I am a big fan of alternative military history and this book was exciting and well written. The author has come up with a very good story that is very interesting and exciting. I'm looking forward to the next book."

Kathleen Matthews

Great Read and Super Creative Storyline
"I love this book because it takes true events/times in history (WWI) and subtly adds fictional aspects that allow the reader to almost fully believe that is actually what happened during World War 1. It is really a great read and exciting story line!"

Corey Bourne

Great Start Looking Forward To The Next Two Books
"I love alternate history, plausible ones not time travelers and such but something that could have happened. With the right technology this would not be far fetched. Good action sequences with great human elements makes you wonder what will happen next."
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