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Alternate History Movies: Influences of the Genre in Cinema

Updated: May 3

When discussing alternate history, it's natural to think about literature. We often overlook another medium that has been a prolific contributor to the genre—movies. Alternate history movies, alternate history mockumentaries, and alternate history documentaries have offered countless scenarios where our world took a different path. In this blog, I’ll dive into the realm of alternate history movies, answering questions such as what an alternate history movie is and providing examples of them.

What is an Alternate History Movie?

Alternate history movies fall into the broader genre of speculative fiction, focusing on historical events but diverging from the actual timeline at specific junctures, otherwise known as the point of divergence. An alternate history movie explores the "what ifs" of history, presenting an alternate timeline where certain historical events have different outcomes. These hypothetical scenarios often depict drastic changes in our world's trajectory, such as a different winner of a crucial war, a pivotal scientific discovery happening earlier or later, or a significant political assassination being prevented.

Common Themes and Tropes in Alternate History Films

Alternate history films often feature recurrent themes or tropes. Here are two that stand out:

Altered Outcome of Wars

One of the most common themes is the altered outcome of significant wars. Whether it's World War II, the American Civil War, or the Cold War, many alternate history movies imagine a different victor and the subsequent changes in global politics. Examples include Inglourious Basterds and Fatherland.

Existence of Fantasy or Sci-Fi Elements

Many alternate-history movies intertwine historical events with fantasy or science-fiction elements. This combination allows filmmakers to present familiar historical periods in drastically new ways. For example, Watchmen incorporates superheroes into an alternate version of the 1980s, while District 9 brings extraterrestrials into 1980s South Africa.

The Intrigue of Alternate History Mockumentaries

An intriguing subset of alternate history movies is the alternate history mockumentary. These films present fictional events as if they are actual historical documentaries, complete with faux interviews, archival footage, and voice-over narration to lend an air of authenticity to the alternate timeline being explored.

For instance, as already mentioned, C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America(2004) by Kevin Willmott is an alternate history mockumentary that takes on the premise of the South winning the American Civil War. The film uses the mockumentary format to explore the disturbing implications of this alternate history, shedding light on deep-seated issues of racism and inequality.

Personal Stories Amid Sweeping Changes

While these films depict grand changes in historical timelines, they often focus on personal stories to drive their narratives. Whether it's a group of rebel soldiers, a lone detective, or a government bureaucrat, these characters provide an intimate window into the wider alternate reality. Red Dawn does just that, following a group of high schoolers turned guerillas as they fight off the invasion of the US by communists during a fictional version of World War III.

Delving into Examples of Alternate History Movies

There are many examples of alternate history movies, each bringing unique perspectives to the table and playing with history in fascinating ways. Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds offers a famous example of an alternate-history movie. In this gripping tale, Tarantino reimagines World War II with a group of Jewish-American soldiers plotting to assassinate Hitler, culminating in an outcome vastly different from the real historical record. Another riveting example is Watchmen, directed by Zack Snyder. This film, based on the eponymous graphic novel by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, is set in an alternate 1985 America where superheroes are part of everyday society.

The Contribution of Alternate History Documentaries

Then there are alternate history documentaries, which use the format of traditional documentaries to explore hypothetical scenarios in a more factual, analysis-driven manner.

The Man in the High Castle: Creating the Alt World (2019) is a documentary based on the Amazon series The Man in the High Castle, itself an alternate history story where the Axis powers won World War II. The documentary dives into the creative process of crafting the series' alternate world, from the design of costumes and sets to the geopolitical implications of the Axis victory.

A List of 27 Alternate History Movies

Alternate history and what's categorized as such in the movie world is open for debate. Many movies that would be construed as science fiction or another genre have elements of alternate history in them. So don't take this list too seriously. Here’s a list of "alternate history" movies going all the way back to the 30s:

Poster for the movie Gabriel Over the White House.

Gabriel Over the White House (1933) - A unique film that presents an alternate history of 1930s America, where a near-death experience transforms a lackluster President into a dynamic leader who addresses the Great Depression with aggressive policies.

Poster for the movie Things to Come.

Things to Come (1936) - Based on H.G. Wells' own screenplay, this British film presents an alternate future where a long war leads to the collapse of civilization and the emergence of a new world order.

Poster for the movie It's a Wonderful Life.

It's a Wonderful Life (1946) - Although not a traditional alternate history, this classic Christmas movie gives its protagonist a glimpse of an alternate timeline where he was never born, profoundly affecting his town's history.

Poster for the movie When Worlds Collide.

When Worlds Collide (1951) - This film presents an alternate history in which astronomers discover that a rogue star and its planet are on a collision course with Earth, leading to a global effort to build a spaceship to carry a select few to the approaching planet.

Poster for the movie The Time Machine.

The Time Machine (1960) - Based on H.G. Wells' novel, this movie imagines an alternate timeline in which time travel is possible, with the protagonist traveling far into the future.

Poster for the movie The Day the Earth Caught Fire.

The Day the Earth Caught Fire (1961) - This British film presents an alternate reality: nuclear weapons tests alter the Earth's axis, causing natural disasters and dramatically changing the planet's climate.

Poster for the movie La Jetée.

La Jetée (1962) - This French film is a post-nuclear war story about a man sent back to prevent the apocalypse, presenting an alternate timeline of our history.

Poster for the movie It Happened Here.

It Happened Here (1964) - This British film presents a version of history where Germany invades and occupies Britain during World War II.

Poster for the movie The Boys from Brazil.

The Boys from Brazil (1978) - In this film, infamous Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele has survived World War II and is conducting genetic experiments in South America to create clones of Adolf Hitler.

Poster for the movie The Philadelphia Experiment.

The Philadelphia Experiment (1984) - Based on the urban legend of the same name, this film explores a World War II experiment that sends two sailors forward in time to the 1980s.

Poster for the movie Red Dawn.

Red Dawn (1984) - This movie imagines a Cold War scenario where the United States is invaded by the Soviet Union and its Cuban and Nicaraguan allies.

Poster for the movie Brazil.

Brazil (1985) - Directed by Terry Gilliam, this film is set in a dystopian world where technology and bureaucracy run amok, distinctly different from our timeline.

Poster for the movie Fatherland.

Fatherland (1994) - Based on Robert Harris's novel, this HBO film presents an alternate history where Nazi Germany won World War II.

Poster for the movie The League of Extraordinary Gentleman.

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003) - This film creates an alternate Victorian age where famous literary characters, including Captain Nemo, Dr. Jekyll, and Dorian Gray, band together to combat threats to the British Empire.

Poster for the mockumentary C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America.

C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America (2004) - Presented as a mockumentary, this film imagines a world in which the Confederacy won the American Civil War and annexed the northern states.

Poster for the movie The Day After Tomorrow.

The Day After Tomorrow (2004) - In this film, global warming causes a new ice age, leading to catastrophic changes in the Earth's climate, a notable deviation from our current timeline.

Poster for the movie Inglourious Basterds.

Inglourious Basterds (2009) - Quentin Tarantino's World War II epic creates a timeline where a group of Jewish-American soldiers and a French cinema owner plot to assassinate Hitler.

Poster for the movie Watchmen.

Watchmen (2009) - This adaptation of Alan Moore's graphic novel presents an alternate 1985 where superheroes exist and have changed the course of history, including a U.S. victory in the Vietnam War.

Poster for the movie District 9.

District 9 (2009) - A science fiction film that takes an alternative look at history, portraying an alternate 1982 in South Africa.

Poster for the movie Resistance.

Resistance (2011) - In this film, D-Day fails, and the United Kingdom is invaded and occupied by Nazi Germany.

Poster for the movie Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016) - This movie takes a classic work of literature and introduces an alternate history element, where a zombie plague besets England of the 19th century.

Poster for the movie The Shape of Water.

The Shape of Water (2017) - Guillermo del Toro's Academy Award-winning film presents an alternate 1962, where the U.S. government is conducting secretive experiments on a humanoid amphibian creature.

Poster for the movie Overlord.

Overlord (2018) - This film presents an alternate history of World War II, where American soldiers discover horrific Nazi experiments that involve supernatural forces.

Poster for the movie Yesterday.

Yesterday (2019) - Danny Boyle's film is about an alternate reality where The Beatles never existed, and only one man remembers their songs.

Poster for the movie Once Upon a Hollywood.

Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood (2019) - Quentin Tarantino's film presents an alternate history around the Manson Family murders in 1969 Hollywood.

Poster for the movie The King's Man.

The King's Man (2021) - This film is a prequel to the Kingsman film series and shows an alternate history of the world's worst tyrants and criminal masterminds plotting a war to wipe out millions.

Alternate History in Television

As the above list shows, alternate history is diverse and filled with many movies that many do not think of as “alternate history.” It often is categorized as science fiction, which I discuss in this blog at greater length than here. Regardless of whether they're exploring the ramifications of a different outcome of wars or creating an entirely new timeline outside of reality, these movies provide us with entertaining questions, sparking the imagination. But movies are not the only place this type of thought can be found. In the next blog, I’ll cover the top 10 best alternate history television shows.

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